"They Say Filipina is another name for maid

Reader response critique :

Being an OFW is not as easy. OFWs should be honored because they are brave enough to voice out their needs, and find them. The growing number of OFWs should serve as a warning to the government officials. We can't ignore the fact the there are many OFWs working abroad as servants. This poem shows me the hardships that many of our fellow Filipinos endure by working in other countries as servants. Yes, many are mistreated and physically abused, and this is the worst discriminations. In other countries the line of work that our fellow Filipinos are seen to be degrading of one's being, for me it shows great courage, determination and love. These people are willing to endure all those maltreatment and abuse to provide their loved ones in the Philippines the necessities and desires in their lives, disregarding their own needs. This is a true example of sacrificing oneself for other people, one of the many good charasteristics of Filipinos everywhere. Having OFWs are not easy. It shows that our country cannot accommodate the needs of its people. It is a descent living. They chose to work abroad rather than steal. They chose to be away from thier families to support their families. There is no shame in that. They risk their lives for their family and their country. The least thing we can do is to extend our help to our OFW's and show them the love they deserve. "Maid" being associated with the Filipina is our fault. We have shown the world the treatment we give to our own kind. They are heroes, so we should respect them.

-Melinda Acampado


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