"They say Filipina is another name for maid"

reader response critique:

The poem describes how Filipina people treated in other country. It shows hardships that many of our fellow Filipina endure by working in other countries as servants. These people left their homes and families in order to earn money that can't be earned in their own land. Their sacrifices were being misinterpreted by the foreigners and sadly think that Filipinas are maids. What they didn't understand is, Filipinas are the most compassionate and kind when it comes to taking care of the children and household. They see them as slaves, but the thing is they only wanted to earn for their family yet they were being maltreated and abused. This is a true example of sacrificing oneself for other people. They risk their lives for their family and their country. As we know that it is a descent work because they opt to work abroad rather than stealing. Each one of them should be respected and give honored. Stories of Filipina OFW's being abused happen so regularly that it no longer shocks us like rape, abuse, discrimination and injustice. And are victims  of physical and sexual abuse that receive no justice from the foreign government. It reminds us to think about the plight of our brothers and sisters abroad and to find solutions to alleviate their suffering.  Despite of that bad situations facing by OFW people, there are many people dreamed to go there and work. No matter how hard it is, they need to gamble their life just to secure their families future. In a certain way, it touched me sinced my two sisters is an OFW in Europe. Their is no shame in the beings of OFW,  as I'am proud of them, who's working there and sacrificing so much for us. They are truly the new heroes of our country for this new generation.

-Rialyn Tadena-


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